The Clubhouse is a psycho-social program, involved in the community where individuals living with mental health conditions are empowered to gain confidence and independence. Recovery of mental health conditions is achieved through individuals living and working together to discover and build new and hidden talents.

International Standards for Clubhouse Programs ™
The International Standards for Clubhouse Programs, consensually agreed upon by the worldwide Clubhouse community, define the Clubhouse Model of rehabilitation. The principles expressed in these Standards are at the heart of the Clubhouse community’s success in helping people with mental illness to stay out of hospitals while achieving social, financial, educational and vocational goals. The Standards also serve as a “bill of rights” for members and a code of ethics for staff, board and administrators. The Standards insist that a Clubhouse is a place that offers respect and opportunity to its members.
The Standards provide the basis for assessing Clubhouse quality, through the Clubhouse International Accreditation process.
Every two years the worldwide Clubhouse community reviews these Standards, and amends them as deemed necessary. The process is coordinated by the Clubhouse International Standards Review Committee, made up of members and staff of Accredited Clubhouses from around the world.

1. Membership is voluntary and without time limits.
2. The Clubhouse has control over its acceptance of new members. Membership is open to anyone with a history of mental illness, unless that person poses a significant and current threat to the general safety of the Clubhouse community.
3. Members choose the way they utilize the Clubhouse, and the staff with whom they work. There are no agreements, contracts, schedules, or rules intended to enforce participation of members.
4. All members have equal access to every Clubhouse opportunity with no differentiation based on diagnosis or level of functioning.
5. Members at their choice are involved in the writing of all records reflecting their participation in the Clubhouse. All such records are to be signed by both member and staff.
6. Members have a right to immediate re-entry into the Clubhouse community after any length of absence, unless their return poses a threat to the Clubhouse community.
7. The Clubhouse provides an effective reach out system to members who are not attending, becoming isolated in the community or hospitalized.