The Clubhouse is a psycho-social program, involved in the community where individuals living with mental health conditions are empowered to gain confidence and independence. Recovery of mental health conditions is achieved through individuals living and working together to discover and build new and hidden talents.


Kevin's experience with HFBC (Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse)

Daniel's experience with HFBC (Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse)

Edwards's experience with HFBC (Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse)


“The Clubhouse to me means a place where people can go to who have mental illness to get together and share their different experiences with each other. Before I started attending the Clubhouse, I used to think that I was the only one struggling with mental illness, but then I started meeting people who are going through similar experiences or worse than mine. I love coming here because, to me, it’s a place where I can talk with other people and make friends. There are many different activities to do here so you won’t be bored. Lastly, I can relate with many people here. I’m so happy that I finally found a place where people who have mental illness share their stories and learning from one another.”



“My name is Kevin, I visited the Clubhouse seeking volunteering experience and improvement of my social skills. Watching people interact here has exposed me to a diversity of amazing talent. Helping the Clubhouse by working on the computer improved my confidence in myself. My goal is to find work doing biomedical lab research developing cures for aging and I am really thankful for several of the staff who were generous enough to work with me to shift into the field.”

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“The Clubhouse has made it much easier for me to be around people because I’m always surrounded by others there. I like the Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse because it’s a place where everyone comes together, focuses on the group, and shares their experiences, making it feel like a true community.”


“The Clubhouse has had a huge impact on my life by helping me find employment, build meaningful friendships, and ensuring I have meals to eat. It has also supported me in achieving my goals by giving me the stability I needed to avoid homelessness and turn my life around.”


“The Clubhouse has had a big impact on me because of the incredible support offered, especially when it comes to finding work. To me, the Clubhouse feels like a family where everyone works together and supports each other. I keep coming back because of the meaningful relationships I’ve built here and the strong sense of connection and rapport among everyone.”



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” I keep coming back to the Clubhouse because it provides me with opportunities to work, stay active, and get out of the house. It’s a place where I feel productive and connected to others, making it a meaningful part of my daily life.”

“I would describe the Clubhouse as an environment that teaches responsibility and personal growth. I enjoy coming here because it is a gathering place that helps build a strong work ethic, and teaches respect among everyone.”

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“The Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse has played a significant role in shaping my attitude and even helped save my life a few years ago. The environment here is peaceful, productive, and truly a blessing.”


​” It helps me train for a job and keeps me active. It helps me achieve my goals.”

“The reason I keep coming back to the clubhouse is because it helps me get back on my feet. I really enjoy the atmosphere here, and Mrs. Pat makes it even better. The Hope Fort Bend Clubhouse feels like a family, and I know they truly look out for me.”

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